Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Lora Loo

It's about time I updated my blog and what better reason than to celebrate my not so little Lora Loo's 9th Birthday!!
That has become her nickname of choice as of late....the name by which she is known to her bosom buddies and her favorite grown-up Mr. Eyre
Lora definately has a special place in my heart, and although there are millions of reasons why I adore this little girl, I thought I would list my top 9:

1. She is witty
2. She makes great facial expressions when she talks
3. She uses words like HORRIFIC! RIDICULOUS! PATHETIC!
4. She thinks that Brownies and Reeses Peanut Butter cups are on the food pyramid
5. She eats peanut butter on a spoon for breakfast almost everyday
6. She can sing in the shower like no one else!
7. She has an anxiety attack when she hears the word "throw-up"
8. She writes amazing stories
9. All it takes is a giant hug to snap her out of a bad mood

ok, I can't stop at 9.....

10. She can't stand "hair bumps"
11. She takes a baggie of dill pickles each day in her lunch
12. She has a million collections going on in her closet
13. She wants to be Hannah Montana
14. Her Primary teachers think she is the quietest thing ever (whatever)
15. She LOVES her family
16. She loves Heavenly Father
17. She doesn't really want to grow up
18. She can make a toy out of anything
19. She has a great imagination
20. Her eyes light up when she smiles!

Lora is spunky and snorky and sometimes dresses dorky, but we love her with all our hearts! Happy Birthday Lora-loo


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Lora! I miss you so much. Of course I am bad at sending things in the mail. You will just have to come and see me! I love your smile and you always make everyone laugh. I love you so much and am so proud of you. I miss you!!! Love, your FAVORITE Aunt

Brenna said...

Happy birthday little lady! We love you too and all these fun things your mom has written here we love too. You are one funny chick! love, Christine

Kristen said...

favorite aunt amy...whatever! i could just steal you lora! you are the cutest and funniest thing ever. by the way..i heard you singing in the shower the other night courtesy of your mom..okay uncle alan heard it too thanks to speaker phones and seriously you ROCK. Americal Idol here you come girl. Hope your day was special. i love you.

Josh said...
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Unknown said...

Happy birthday (belated) Lora. Tara, I got your email and have been swamped but will write you back soon. Thanks for leading me to Baby Gracie's blog. Yes, Jack has the same heart defect. Very interesting. Does Kristen know this family? Talk to you soon.

Brooke said...

What a cute picture. My daughter loves dill pickles too. I think she'd be in heaven if I gave her some every day in her lunch. What a good idea! She sounds great. Little girls sure can be difficult, but they are the cutest things ever and so fun!