Monday, December 3, 2007

Happy Holidays ..........

I wanted to surprise my sweet sister Tara, and decorate her blog for Christmas before she had to ask me to do so....So here it is Tara, I hope you like it!


Tara said...

hey THANK YOU!! I like it. Now can you come and decorate my house? Actually, it is already done, but I could use some baking done! I miss you. I haven't talked to you in awhile....

Kristen said...

please take some pictures of your house for me! (and the new car!!) i am anxious to see the floors, etc. maybe you want to wait til you get your new couches.

Amy said...

new car!!!!!!!! What?

Kristen said...

yeah!! didn't tara tell you that she got a hummer? or maybe lane feel free to delete that comment tara!!!