September 14th is always a day in the year that I am especially thankful is the day a wonderful gift was given to this earth and without her, literally, I wouldn't be here. My beautiful mother celebrates her Birthday today. I actually don't even know how old she really is (unimportant facts tend to get lost in my brain) all I know is that for my entire life, she has been part of it.
My mom did all the important things that good moms try to do for their children. She taught me the Gospel, she taught me all the duties of how to be a good homemaker, taught me to serve others whether it be in the form of taking in a meal or sharing our talents. She was a visible prescence in our highschool as she helped with many school plays and performances and then was always there in the audience to cheer us on and give hugs at the end.
My mom has so many talents and special gifts that are hers. She has the knack of making ANYTHING look beautiful, even if it is a tuna sandwich....she will make sure that it is on a pretty plate and accompanied by a glass of sparkling lemonade in a beautiful goblet. She just always goes the extra mile for everything. Some have criticized her for trying to reach perfection in all that she does throughout her life, but as I get older, I appreciate more and more the "intensity" with which my mom lives her life. She is a passionate, emotional person who feels things much more deeply than some. She feels pain and she feels joy with the same intensity. She can cry harder than anyone I know, because I think she loves deeper than anyone I know. She can also help others to see the joy and beauty around her because she notices the little things more than anyone I know.
My mom has become my best friend. Being best friends mean that we accept someone for who they are with all of their weaknesses and strengths and that we share in things together. We help each other through those days when we feel like we can't get out of bed and we celebrate all the wonderful moments in life together. I am so thankful for a wise Father in Heaven who sent me to earth with just the mother that I needed. She has helped me become who I am today.She always expected the best of me, and while that was difficult at times, I know that it forced me to grow in ways that I wouldn't have otherwise. I am still a work in progress, as is she, but so many little things I find myself doing or saying...I think to myself, "I got that from mom."
My mom has risen above the ashes so many times in her life. We know that we are here on earth to be tested and go through trials. I have watched her over and over as she passes the test and comes out better and stronger because of them. The best thing about my mom is that she loves her children more than anything in the world. Each one of us knows that and always knows that she will be there for us no matter what.
Mom, thank you for teaching me how to love. Thank you for pulling me up when I am down. Thank you for always believing in me and supporting me in whatever I do. Thank you for always seeing the best in me even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for instilling in me that I am a daughter of God with unlimited potential. You are just the person that I have needed to help me through this life. We have been through alot of things together that have made us stronger and closer. I know that you struggled so much of your life with severe health issues that kept you from being the person that you so much wanted to be. I am thankful for many of those trials that came to our family because of that. It helped us to become stronger and to really appreciate the mother that we have today who is healthy and strong and able to give more fully to all of us. I feel so blessed to have a mom that is beautiful, classy, FUN, spiritual, talented and my best friend.
Thank you mom. I love you. Happy 50th Birthday....(am I close???)