Thursday, September 25, 2008

A little humor goes a long way...

So yesterday afternoon I did the daily routine of picking up 4 kids from 4 different schools, dumped the last one off at home, rushed off to the High School homecoming carnival to work at the fundraiser booth for Mariah's dance team...left there just in time to pick up a friend and head off to a parenting workshop that a friend of mine, Heather, was putting on.
Ironically, Lora called as I was on my way to ask "what is for dinner"....I said, "oh yeah, I totally forgot about that" and then she said, "well, that's ok. where are you going anyway mom?" uhhh...."I am going to a class that is going to help me a better mom" I can only imagine what she was thinking, given her first question!! oh wow.
anyway, I can't begin to recite all that I learned from this workshop, but the main tip that I got was to just have more HUMOR in our parenting. We were laughing so hard as many examples were given to us as to how to use humor with our kids. SO, be creative and learn to not only laugh more at what your kids are doing but also find ways to bring humor into your discipline!

Just thought I would share that little tip with you all. So, tonight I have another seminar to rush off to, this one being presented by none other than ME ( a Health & Nutrition seminar) and so you can be darn sure that I got up and started some dinner already in the crockpot for the kids! Now Lora will really think that workshop worked huh??


  1. I totally agree that humor needs to be in everything we do. So, Lora called you to ask what was for dinner? I am confused since she was with us. LOL I LOVE Heather too. I got to spend some time with her this morning, but we got to talking about other things so I really haven't heard about how last night went. I needed more time with her. She said it was well attended. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Hope your seminar goes well. Oh and we would love to have you come speak for "Project Pink" about health. That would be awesome. I let you know more details when we get things a little more concrete. Thanks for your willingness! :) love, Christine

  2. Oh and for the record, you are a GREAT mom and Lora already knows, so I imagine that she was puzzled that you would need such a class. :)

  3. you amaze me at all you do, how do you do it? read my blog update and you will know why I am asking. Love ya!
