Friday, August 15, 2008

New Home Remedy

I had to tell everyone about a great little tip I got from my friend yesterday. Lora came home from school with a sty in her eye and I wasn't sure what to do about it. It was not real big, but hanging down on her eye enough to irritate her and it was all red and swollen. Well, I mentioned it to Becky and she told me that her mom always used to rub a gold ring on a sty when they were kids. I reacted just like you probably are with an ...."oh right, that sounds like voo doo..." Well, I had nothing to lose, so I took my wedding band and gently rubbed it back and forth on her sty. I did this about 3 times before she went to bed that night.
ok, guess what...this morning it was GONE!! AMAZING huh?? It must be some mineral property in the metal, like maybe how Zinc works on zits....I don't know, but whatever it was, it worked.
So, there you go, another home remedy to add to our list.


  1. Thank you! My husband gets styes every once in a while. He will be thrilled to try any possible remedy!

  2. I've heard squirting breastmilk in their eyes works too! Too bad you don't have any of that lying around, hee.

  3. Ya know I love a little voodoo...hee

    Glad its all better!!

  4. I know you don't really like me to look at your blog. But hi. love lora.

  5. lora, why would you say that??? you are so funny. you can look at my blog anytime.
