Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Time out for Women

All I can say is that if you have never been.....you better make it a priority for next year! It was FABULOSO!!! I was having so much fun that I didn't even take my camera out of the purse to take any pictures of our group. Someone did though and I am waiting for them to e-mail them to me. It was so much fun and such a "fill your cup" experience! I have never laughed and cried so much at the same time. We had Michael McLean,Michael Wilcox (who did remember me by the way...used to be my Bishop) and Jenny Jordan Frogley just to name a few of the presenters. There was also a lady who did a presentation called "Wife 101" and it was SO DANG FUNNY!! I wish my sisters could have been there with me. I had fun with our group that went though. There were 25 of us and we stayed overnight Friday night. It was a blast.
I will be put in "time out" any time!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Never thought I'd love a dog!!

Maybe I am desperate as to what to blog about, but my little pooch has not been feeling good for a couple days and so he has been getting extra TLC from me. I have never been a dog lover, but this little guy has a soft spot with me. We have had him for almost a year, which is a record long time for a pet of any sort in this house! His name is Higley and he is a mini pekingnese. Whenever any one meets him for the first time, my 8 year old Lora is quick to point out that his nose is smashed, but nothing is wrong with him, that is just the way he came! He has been a great dog for us. Very mellow and low maintenance. I realized that I had become a true "dog mom" when I put him in the shower with me yesterday! He needed a bath and I thought he had a fever, so.....anyway, I am really justifying myself huh? Is that just plain wierd???

Well, I am headed to "Time out for Women" tonight with a group of friends. I will blog about that when I return. Have a great weekend everyone!!
p.s. I tried to shrink the picture and it squished his face a little wierd....I don't know how to fix it! Great, now he really does look deformed!!! oh well.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Cell Phone Wars!

ok, I was on my way to bed tonight but thought I might blog about the last 30 minutes of my evening and see what the general concensus is out there on kids having cell phones. My 11 year old son has been all but down on his hands and knees (well he has probably done that a few times actually) begging us to get him a cell phone! Really for no other reason than ALL and I mean ALL of his friends have one! They are in 6th grade!! And to make matters worse, most of them have had a cell phone for at least a year now. He relaxes for a few days about this request and then at the convenient time of bedtime at least twice a week, he will start the whole thing over again. I am really getting worn out with it. He said tonight that he doesn't feel safe riding his bike to school without a cell phone, in case someone tries to snatch him. Do you think he is just pulling at my mother heart strings with that one??? So I said fine...you win. "I will drive you to school and pick you up everyday!" Not quite the compromise he was looking for, but it quieted him down for a few minutes anyway until he could think another reason he had to have one, which was: in case I forgot to pick him up one day then he could call me! (good one)

I just have a problem with young kids having cell phones. If your kids have them, please don't be offended by me. I just feel strongly about giving kids things too early and leaving them nothing to look forward to. Also, my main reason is that I hate the constant "connection" to friends that a cell phone provides. None of us would ever dream of putting a private phone line into our kids rooms and paying for it, but that is what a cell phone is! I don't like not knowing who they are talking to and when...when they are in the 6th grade!!! Now, do my teenagers have them??? YES. There does come a point where it is more for my convenience for them to have one, especially when they are driving and dating. I know that there are situations where kids need one, if they are involved in alot of extra curricular activities maybe, so don't think I am a cell phone hater! I just can't stand it when I see little kids running around with them. It just really gets under my skin.

I am kind of on one tonight huh??? maybe I should have just gone to bed.....but I just wanted to blog this out with all of you. give me your opinions. It probably won't change my mind, but at least it will let me know if I am the ONLY mom that lives in the dark ages and deprives her children of the necessities of life!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Well, I can't even believe it, but my baby boy is now a Senior in High School and went to his last fall Homecoming dance tonight! sniff...sniff....I used to think just "old people" said stuff like, "where did the time go??" but I am sure saying it these days! It doesn't seem real that kids grow up so fast.

Alex looked so handsome and his date Catelyn was darling. (was I ever that tiny???) They started their day at 6am going wakeboarding on a nearby lake. A man in our ward was nice enough to take them. Then they went back to Alex's date's house where her mom made breakfast for the group. They watched a movie...or tried to anyway, because they all fell asleep. Then Alex came home and had a longer nap and a shower and off they went. They ate at a friend's house for dinner to save money, Lane let Alex take the truck, which Alex was very happy about! and then I think they were going Cosmic Bowling. And all the fun ends at midnight sharp!! How is that for a LONG FABULOUS DATE.

Well, I feel lucky that Alex has a great group of friends and I know they are all good kids. I feel really blessed that my highschoolers don't give me any major problems. When I look at what some other families are going through...I will take a son that can't remember to hang up his wet towel ANY DAY!!

Well, Lane and I had an exciting date out to TGIF (food was terrible by the way) and then to Wal-mart to buy some supplies for the office. I am sure Alex had a much more romantic time than we did! How does that happen???

Well, we did manage to hold hands and flirt across the table. We had homecoming groups all around us in the restaurant (sorry for the girls whose date chose TGIF) and we were doing a little reminiscing.....still in love after 19 years.....sorry to be cheesey :)
oh...and by the way...I DIDN'T have dessert! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I have an announcement...

Ha ha, I bet I had you all a bit scared for a moment.....no I am not pregnant! I actually have another announcement to make that is even more severe than that. I have decided to make the month of September my "no dessert" month. (sorry Kristen, I had already decided this before I knew you were coming) This may seem like a small thing to some of you, but for me it is HUGE! I am just a dessert FREAK and so I decided to challenge myself a bit.
Why would I do this to myself you might ask??? Well, a couple reasons. One being that I have been reading an awesome book lately, I mean REALLY studying it. It is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Quite a popular book, but I had always thought it was some kind of a business book and wasn't all that interested. Well, I came upon it and started reading it and have been so absorbed in it. It is such a great book about how to really get what you want out of life. A RICH life means far more than just money. IT has caused me to want to set goals for myself in areas where I haven't really before. It is all about the power of positive thinking. Maybe I will be able to think better if I don't overload my brain with sugar!
The no dessert thing is more of an issue of self control with me and also, I get mild headaches alot and I really think they may be due to the package of cookies that I down on a regular basis. I think for me, this will just help me to set a goal that is hard, yet something that I can really stick to. This means that I will definately have to find something to occupy my Sunday nights with now, because that is the night when I ALWAYS make a yummy dessert.
So anyway, making this announcement to all of you on my blog is so that I am truly accountable and far less likely to cheat!
Now, I know that Kristen is probably just totally bummed right now...you are thinking that your trip here to see me is going to be no fun at all right?? Well, just remember, that as Mormons, we don't drink either, but we still have fun right! ha ha I will be fun, I promise. I just have to do this!
k, so feel free to give me encouragement or hey better yet, even JOIN me for this little dessert fast. I will keep you all posted as to how I am doing. Let's hope that we don't hear on the nightly news that some deranged woman broke into a convenience store and managed to get away with 5 packages of Oreos!